See More Data For Local Managing Agents

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Advanced Data on Local Managing Agents

Data we will provide based on your location
  • The Most Popular Local Managing Agents
  • For Each How Many Buildings Have They Lost and Gained Over The Past Year
  • For Each A Breakdown of Their Local And National Portfolio
Normal Price:
Introductory Price:
How we can help with your tender document
  • Distill Your Needs into a Set of Requirements
  • Set Service Level Agreements That Can Be Included in a New Contract
  • Show Case Examples From Each Agent Where They Have Improved Buildings Like Your Own
Normal Price:
Introductory Price:

A managing agent’s track record with taking on new buildings and retaining them is the best way to understand their experience, levels of service and customer satisfaction

If you would like more data on how each agent is doing in your area and help in generating a tender document please request these by following the above buttons.

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