The Map shows some of the most popular block managers in Surrey
These are the top 3 block managers with the biggest local portfolios
Ronnie works for a block manager which manages 7 buildings in your area.
On average they keep each customer for over 6 years
Leanelle works for a block manager which manages 4 buildings in your area.
On average they keep each customer for over 2 years
Peter works for a block manager which manages 2 buildings in your area.
On average they keep each customer for over 1 years
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About Block Management In Surrey
Surrey is increasingly becoming densely populated as London spreads further south. Apartment buildings are now common place as developers look to increase the density of housing without overlapping onto the Green Belt.
Flat owners in Surrey benefit from being to work with local managing agents and those that are based in central London – due to the easy transport links making it east to manage further afield buildings.
Flat owners in Surrey benefit from being to work with local managing agents and those that are based in central London – due to the easy transport links making it east to manage further afield buildings.