The Map shows some of the most popular block managers in London
These are the top 3 block managers with the biggest local portfolios
Leanelle works for a block manager which manages 14 buildings in your area.
On average they keep each customer for over 2 years
Jamie works for a block manager which manages 11 buildings in your area.
On average they keep each customer for over 1 years
Ronnie works for a block manager which manages 7 buildings in your area.
On average they keep each customer for over 6 years
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About Block Management In London
London has the highest density of flats in the UK, with over 1 million units across the city. Difficulties in exerting control over their buildings have often led to poor living conditions and high service charges.
We are confident that you building can be improved by finding new block management services. To see the best agents for your buildings, see reviews and see prices please use our search tool above.
We are confident that you building can be improved by finding new block management services. To see the best agents for your buildings, see reviews and see prices please use our search tool above.