JuxtaBlock-Search Result

The Map shows some of the most popular block managers in Essex


These are the top 3 block managers with the biggest local portfolios

Candice works for a block manager which manages 24 buildings in your area.

On average they keep each customer for over 6 years

Ronnie works for a block manager which manages 14 buildings in your area.

On average they keep each customer for over 6 years

Leanelle works for a block manager which manages 2 buildings in your area.

On average they keep each customer for over 2 years


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About Block Management In Essex

Essex has been the number one destination for families leaving London and as the City has pushed east, the line between Essex and London has become increasingly blurred. Large apartment complexes have been developed to house a many people as close to London as possible.

Flat owners are increasingly focussed on improving the day-to-day management of their buildings – to prevent them from deteriorating, improving the living conditions and maximising the rents that tenants are willing pay.
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