Typical Service Charge in Your Area

Serivce charge data base algorithm: Part 1 - target number of data points: -most similar 10 buildings, e.g., those that fit within the right band and are close -Therefore cut all those that are in the right band and then find the 10 most local //Get data from url - postcode and units //Get the lat/long from the postcode //Pull in the datbase from the cust_service_charges db //Take out those that are too big or too small //Work out the 10 closest block and pull them into a new array - postcode, units, distance from target block, service charge total, service charge per block
Number of Buildings Compared: 10
Building Sizes: 5 to 25
Highest Service Charge:
Median Service Charge:
Difference From Your Building:


Average Break-down per Category


The top 5 costs for a typical building and the average charges across the building

Repairs and Maintenance
Management Fees

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