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Who We Help
We work with landlords, flat owners and freeholders to find the top block managers for their specific buildings
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Example Case Studies From The Agents We Work With
Residents expressed a desperate need for improvement in communication, cleanliness, servicing and financial transparency
Improved communications, Improved financial reporting, Completed building improvements
In month one Navana Residential made various communication channels available to residents and provided a designated property manager to visit the property on a weekly basis ensuring our approved suppliers were upholding their contractual obligations to keep the building serviced, compliant and safe.
In month three after undergoing the necessary section 20 consultation procedure and after agreement form the residents we began refurbishment of the lobby areas and external facades which had seen neglect for the past seven years by the previous agents. The residents now receive quarterly financial reporting providing full transparent detail on actual expenditure versus budget, reserve fund expenditure, arrears report, health and safety report and any other relevant managerial updates.
In month three after undergoing the necessary section 20 consultation procedure and after agreement form the residents we began refurbishment of the lobby areas and external facades which had seen neglect for the past seven years by the previous agents. The residents now receive quarterly financial reporting providing full transparent detail on actual expenditure versus budget, reserve fund expenditure, arrears report, health and safety report and any other relevant managerial updates.